links that dont suck
fermentation is what makes cacao into chocolate, grapes into wine, milk into cheese, vegetables into kimchi, etc. many people are now using these age-old DIY techniques to improve their meals and their health. luckily Sandor Ellix Katz has given us the book Wild Fermentation, which also happens to be an excellent website. Katz has recently published the definitive 'the art of fermentation' which will knock the socks off fermented-food lovers.
bad teeth and cancer are part of the cost of civilization. Dr Thomas Cowan frames the question of ailment and dis-ease in a narrative that is pretty damn empowering. his articles page is very highly recommended.
fermented cod liver oil is one of the best things you can give your body. Green Pastures makes the best one going.
you can spent a helluva lot of time trying to figure out whats the best kind of supplements to get down with. here is the best article weve ever found on the subject of supplements. lets face it: some of what your body needs, it isnt getting. vitamins are like insurance. this article is from the weston price foundations website, so you know we dig it. Dr. Ron is your man for supplements.
one of the only places you can read about recent clinical studies as they pertain to modern health is The Townsend Letter. they deal with the kind of new studies the FDA will wait five years to tell you about. the website is weak, but the magazine kicks ass. we recommend you subscribe.
it turns out that mendocino county has its own famous small-scale distillery, Germain-Robin. they happen to produce one of the most highly regarded brandies in the world. they also have a stellar grappa! which we prefer.
the Botanical Preservation Corps: wow, cant praise these guys too highly. until you find another insider source for exotic sustainably-harvested south american/african/worldwide herbs and plant products, these folks will have to do.
Fungi Perfecti: our relationship with fungi is possibly our oldest human-plant medicinal relationship. most people dont know much about one of the most important medicines available to us.
keyline design might be the most avant-garde of permaculture tools. P.A. Yeomans is the australian who came up with it, and his seminal work The Keyline Plan is worth a look.
the misuse of the earths fresh water resources is a sore subject for many. what seemed an unlimited natural resource a hundred years ago is looking pretty beat up these days. brad lancaster has a great approach to the water shortage problems of the southwest, and the techniques can be applied to not-arid conditions as well. his book (and website) Rainwater Harvesting For Drylands is empowering and fun to read.